Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry – Local Business Views Raised by Chamber of Commerce NT

2017-02-21 Media Release hydraulic fracturing inquiry

Yesterday, the President of the Chamber of Commerce NT (Greg Ireland) and A/g CEO (Brian O’Gallagher) were pleased to have a preliminary chat with Justice Pepper regarding her Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing.

We were very pleased that the Inquiry plans to report back to Government by the end of this year as the uncertainty regarding how long the inquiry would go on has been a major concern to many of our local businesses.

Speaking on behalf of our small business community, we said we are hoping that the outcome will be a green light for onshore gas to proceed within a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
If this is the outcome, we would like some reassurance that any royalties from onshore gas will flow immediately to the NT Government based on the number of kilojoules of energy extracted – and not depend on the companies involved reaching a profitable phase.

This revenue can then be deployed for the benefit of all Territorians through the provision of strategic infrastructure, improved education and health services, and the phasing out of Payroll Tax.
We also urged the Inquiry to challenge the companies to maximise local involvement and demonstrate how they are going to be socially responsible by avoiding a FIFO workforce.
The Chamber of Commerce NT will look to make a formal submission on behalf of our small business community to the Inquiry later this year.

To read the full scientific inquiry into hydraulic fracturing in the Northern Territory Background and Issues Paper please follow the link: frackinginquiry.nt.gov.au/news/?a=398476

Media Contact Chamber of Commerce: Brian O’Gallagher 0418 884 082

Media Contact Fracking Enquiry: Claire Sprunt 0439 180 828